That Ryanair does everything it can is evident. Trying to make profits from even under the stones is also evident. Proof of this are the raffles performed on the plane itself, the multiple rates with which it harasses those who book a ticket on one of their flightsor the desire to sell you any product they show while you fly. Well, now, in the midst of the controversy over the safety of its flights , Ryanair has announced the addition of 150,000 more hotels to the huge list of accommodations it already offers on its website . The Irish airline began offering room reservations to its customers during the month of April and, since then, the available offer has only increased .
Thus, in this way, all those who book their airline tickets with the most famous airline in the world in terms of low cost will have another option to book their room and thus be able to buy everything at the same time. In addition, passengers who book hotel rooms through the RyanAir website will have no extra charge when making the purchase and, at the same time, in a very unusual movement of the airline, will not suffer a surcharge if they want to cancel Freebooking the room although this last point will depend much of the room has been reserved. With this last minute movement, Ryanair surpasses the Hoteles.com website in the list of the main travel pages that allow you to book rooms.