Although until the dates in particular do not know the result very well, the truth is that everything indicates that the hotel room reservations or airline tickets for this next bridge of the Pillar are going down compared to other years. According to a popular internet portal dedicated to tourism, reservations for this bridge have fallen by 20 percent but , in turn, the number of nights spent at the hotel has increased. This means that although there are fewer people who will make a break during this coming weekend , those who make it will make it longer, increasing overnight stays at the destination and thus increasing the number of flights .
Even so, it is difficult to predict what will be the last-minute result of this type of situation since it is common for last days to close last-minute reservations and that even during the same days of the bridge there are many who go directly to establishments to reserve a room for the same day. On the other hand, many hotels have foreseen that this situation would take place and have created special pacos for these dates to make tourists stay as pleasant as possible , using bicycle routes, discounts for the whole family or the Admission of pets as a hook to avoid the exodus of customers who, instead of going out to know new areas decide to stay at home waiting for better times.