February 24, 2025

Eccentric Engine is transforming the automobile industry by offering the same showroom experience online. The two co-founders founded Eccentric Engine as a brand service firm that aimed to provide an omnichannel experience using the power of gaming and interactive technologies. However, they believed the automotive industry could create a virtual revolution to alter the customer experience.
“Racing games have a feature where you can customize the car, you can spin and zoom it. Imagine being able to do that to every car and that was the same question we asked ourselves what stops us from doing that. We wanted to make it look good and we used gaming techniques for visualization on the Internet,” said Shah, co-founder of Eccentric Engine.
Shah pointed out that visualization on the Internet needed a large amount of compression to function on the site. The company used several methods in games that improved the quality of the website and did not weigh too much for the site to run.
“We partner, we’re factory integrated with automotive companies which means the blueprint of the vehicle is the input I get from them in turn to develop our 3D representation from scratch. The blueprint is what helps us understand the geometry, the structure and the materials and everything else the vehicle comes in with. Our Engine essentially takes that as a reference point and recreates it,” said Shah.
The company has also invented interverse, an opportunity to discover new ways to interact. The co-founders believe there is no limit to interactions because there are endless possibilities to find an idea within this 3D space. According to Shah, the company has been through various aspects of research before creating the Eccentric Engine. Graphics were one of the many aspects of research, and the other was the aspect of consumer insight.
“Graphics are improving every single day. Hardware is becoming way more efficient. Every year phones adapt to playing high-quality content and as that evolves the sheets, the kind of standards that we use to give that given content and to make that also evolve. I think we worked closely with our partners to get insights in place for them which help them plan their product enhancements various facelifts any other modification that they want to make to their existing products,” Shah said. Shah.

Eccentric Engine also researches the buyer’s journey from studying to purchasing the car. Strange Engine analyzes the reasons for the customer to buy the vehicle, the factors that hinder customers from continuing their investigation, and more.
The movement of vehicles during the epidemic meant that businesses could cut down on the number of showroom visits, which was among the main factors that deterred consumers from buying a car. A reduced number of trips to the museum could result in a reduction in the distance traveled as well as pollution.
“The industry is going towards EVs, why is it that the whole process of buying is still just so primitive? Our research shows that by eliminating the visits to a given showroom from five to two, we can actually cut down India’s carbon footprint by 0.01 percent.
The bootstrapped plans to raise money shortly. Shah believes that vehicles will likely be seen differently due to the many subscription models being offered soon, and the entire showroom experience could be very different from how it is currently.

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